"Life is like photography, you need the negatives to develop."
My romance with photography has been a long, flirtacious journey. Mostly, I have chosen to stay in front of the lens because it seemed easier to control what I knew as my body than to work the bells and whistles of a really great camera. For the last 4 months I have picked up film photography.
And I have absolutely fallen head over heels. Hook, line, and sinker. I'm a goner. So some of these are what I like to call my "sacrificial photos"; photos that didn't turn out quite like I wanted them to or the exposure is a tad off or I moved too much....you get the gist. But there's something significant about sacrificial photos. Or at least something special that I like. Maybe it's that I would like to revisit the shot and try again. Or maybe it's the beauty in the breakdown. The delicate elegance in the mistakes. I'm sure this is just the first of many posts about photography to come!
Lately, I have been considering taking a cue from my friend Erin and starting my own photography project like her "365 project." Erin took one photo everyday and uploaded them onto a blog. At the end of each week, she critiqued herself. It was amazing to see how Erin grew not just in terms of her skills in photography, but also as a person. I really enjoyed following along and she definitely inspired me from Day 1. Her blog is titled The Finished Film so check it out!
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