Saturday, May 7, 2011


My best friend: Kate.

This list has been in the creative process since our first year of college so it just needed to be typed up and posted on this blog (that part took a little longer than I planned haha).

We have taken numerous road trips together, flew to London and Nicaragua, and  have just been the most compatible travel buddies! Over the years of our friendship, we have realized a few things. Like what it takes to be best friends. Here is our list.... 

"You know you are mejor amigas when...." frequently do cliche best friend things together. Like sitting for hours outside a cafe, sipping coffee and sharing scones, or sugar bread. don't let one another text while taking a sedative. compare how gross your boogers are after a day of kicking up dirt in an intense recess soccer game. (At the ripe age of 20 because you're actually the adults on recess duty.) can pop each others back zits. can shower together. can rub sunscreen on one another and not think before you wipe the excess into your own face. can share a bathroom while one of you does your business and the other brushes their teeth. can insert and remove a tampon in front of one another. say yes to spending more than your paycheck on a spa day because your friend will otherwise have an emotional breakdown. skinny dip together, risking the fact that you could get caught. actually haul ass up to their place after they haven't responded to your texts, calls, and don't show up at the gym because they are still asleep. And like a good friend, you snuggle for approximately 1 minute before tearing the covers off and dragging their butt to the gym. Where they were supposed to be a half hour ago. :) (I'm the guilty sleeping beauty.) always go for more tiramisu. make sure not to leave one another in important places, like airports for instance, despite what the pre-flight drinks at the airport bar tell you. don't stop dancing until they kick you out. sit and cry with them. And keep passing the chocolate, before you keep passing the Kleenex. agree with them when someone has done them wrong (for the first 2 mins until you lovingly say that they could have reacted a little less harsh). still pass notes and send cards for no reason other than to say "you're hot," "I love you," "we rock together!". just get each other. Bottom line. This is the friend that has seen you at your worst and your best and has grown alongside of you. You're stuck together. You follow them wherever life takes them.....because, as the best friend you can say that the view from behind looks great :) (it's totally in the best friend contract to compliment them any and every time they're lookin' smokin')

Totally posed but totally cute!
At a layover in San Salvador. I would prefer flying with Kate any day! We've got the system down pat.

Note: this is early in the morning and notice how Kate looks all put together and I seemingly look quite cheerful. I did not have coffee and had something funny NOT just been said, my face would look completely different. We balance each other out sometimes, haha.

Sharing while looking all "no big deal" as the paparazzi gets our picture.

Road trip #742. Or something like that. We made sure we both didn't loose our cool on this one. But maybe took our frustration and annoyance out on chocolate chip cookies :)

First year. Fortunately for us, we got a 4.0 in fashion sense after this year. Or at least, we like to think so.

One of our first bus trips together.

This is us "studying".

First road trip together in the back of a 15 passenger van! (Studies show that being in a 15 passenger van decreases maturity levels by at least 25% in 18 year olds. Believe it.)

Our first concert!

Being mejor amigas does not mean that you take great pictures all the time. I particularly love this picture but Kate might kill me when she sees that I posted it :) Love you babygirl! haha

Oh, yeah that goes for this one too. In the middle of a museum in London.

Me: I love this picture!!Kate: Yeah if my hair wasn't horrible, I'd love it too.  Me: Well, I'm making it my profile picture so get over it :)


  1. I LOVE this! You two are the most adorable best friends I've just about ever seen! :) <3

  2. I know things are different now, and you might never read this.. But thanks for loving and always pushing me outside of my comfort zone back then. Can't imagine those 4 years without you. - K
