Bad life decisions…..little ones. Like cutting my hair at 3 am.
So I pay $70 a haircut once a year because I have funky curly hair that sorta does its own thing most of the time. Oh, and I REALLY like to roll out of bed and not do a single thing to my hair so low maintenance works for me.
Atttt the same time, I’m spontaneous and embrace whimsical decisions…thinking that, whatever the risks or consequences are, I can work with them. I’ve cried over many a bad haircut, believe me. So why I decided 2 nights ago to cut my hair at 3 am, knowing that the first day of school was a mere 7 hours away, or I could botch it and I could break down and cry, or make myself look retarded, or think that that double cowlick I had when I had bangs at age 10 would be gone at age 21………it pretty much came down to doing something just because I was saying ‘yes’ to an opportunity.
FIRST RULE OF IMPROV. RIGHT THERE. Just say ‘yes’. Which is contrary to that D.A.R.E. song about just saying no.*
So these are some thoughts I have had living with this choice:
1. Ok. Bangs are just not sexy. They’re not.
2. I look 14. But I guess it’s better to look younger than way older? Ha? Maybe? oh.
3. I have perfected the “oh, shoot, they didn’t recognize me” cover up. Ya know, when you wave at somebody and they A) don’t even see you or the gesture directed at them, B) look away quick because a stranger just acted like they knew them WHAT A WEIRD PERSON ESCAPE FAST being their thought process, or C) they just actually don’t even register you on their familiarity radar. So you have to do a quick recovery action….like pretend you’re tucking some stray hair behind your ear. Or fix your ponytail. Or act like you just meant to dig through your purse. Or maybe there was a bee. Or you just say, “sorry. Touretts.” to anybody in the vicinity that is looking at you funny.
To make myself feel better, I decided to channel Zoey Deschanel’s style and convince myself that her version of cute is mature and doesn’t make her look 14. This is what I think, in my head, that I currently look like:
This is what I would like to look like as the bangs grow out, hopefully bringing sexy back…successfully:
*Clarification: I have never done drugs and really only do crazy, mostly legal spontaneous things. I don’t say “yes” to robbing banks, running over painfully slow old codgers crossing the road, or sex with someone I just met at a bar. To name a few. You get the gist.
Oh, and um, shoutout to Angela for being honest and making me laugh. And to Emily for saying I look like a European model. Love you and cherish you both!