Monday, February 28, 2011


The smell of rain. Not the worms that come out in the rain. Just the fresh rain smell itself!

Even though it ruined my Toms. But I'll choose to reflect on the positive natural air freshener that rain is :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Fashionable professional attire.

I conducted individual and group interviews today from noon to 9pm. Crazy busy day but so much fun with the staff I am a part of! And it makes me want to wear professional clothes every day :) Bummer that my job is more hands on, rather than in an office (NOT) hahaha

Friday, February 25, 2011

#7. My lucky number!

Iced Chai Tea Lattes.

It is a miserable rainy and windy day and I'm missing summer. So I changed up my usual order at the cafe and opted for my summer drink preference: the creamy, delightful, aromatic, full of zen, Iced Chai Tea Latte. But you must ask for this with milk, not water. If ice cubes are thrown in, the taste gets a little too diluted. So if the barista is willing to pour it over ice, and then add've got A Whole New World in a cup :)

One of my favorite songs is also titled "Chai Tea Latte", by Angel Taylor. It's as sweet as a 2 billion reese cups :)

Just listen:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Dominos pizza...mmmmmmm!! It's all in the garlic-y crust, baby :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


People I love getting engaged! Ok, so that's not just some little diddy that is something to appreciate. It's actually a big happy thing! Definitely cause to celebrate :)

So so so so excited and ecstatic for the happy couple!


The Argentine Tango.

And ballroom dancing as a whole. Love it love it love it. It makes me feel so confident :)


This one is a combination: A happy, cheery song + goofy, bouncy choreography + Barbara Streisand + vintage prop umbrellas = A song that makes you smile, no matter how hard you try not to!

Enjoy :) And whatever you do.........DON'T smile.

Monday, February 21, 2011



Mmmmm....Today, I love yoga.

You have to understand, I have this love-hate relationship with yoga. I've taken multiple yoga classes and half the time I really enjoyed them. The other half I'm sitting there in some incredibly unnatural position that my body just doesn't do normally, thinking "This is absolute bull. Yoga's crap." Bikhram yoga, laughing yoga, p90x them. Meditation, mantras, chants, savasana.....I could take them or leave them.

Today, it's a love yoga kind of day. My body needed it as a break from the harsh beating my poor plantar-fascia tendon in my feet take due to so much running (and non-supportive is pain). And ya know what? I love that today, yoga made me feel cleansed. My digestive system thanked me (this means that farting and queefing may have been involved. Yes I just admitted it. Embrace it. They're natural bodily functions.) and my body was both worked out effectively, gently, and stretched so well.

Tomorrow......who knows? It might be a different story.

(P.S. Tree and Frog pose rocks my socks. They're my favorite. Try them out!)


It's so easy to get hung up on that one little thing that annoys each day. It could be that your coffee was just a tad bit too bitter, or you forgot your favorite pen (Epic Church pens, everybody. Get them.), or you only put eye-shadow on one eye (or for you men out there, you only put deodorant under one arm--hey, it happens!), or you couldn't get your usual for lunch, or your paperwork wasn't in on time, orrrrr you were ONE POINT away from winning the game, getting the A, scoring the bonus in your paycheck.......the list goes on. And quite frankly, it's amazing how quickly the negativity trickles down through those you interact with for the rest of your day.

Which leads to the reason for this blog. Yes, those things suck. But there's always something else little that brings a small tiny moment of sheer ecstasy. You got to your appointment EARLY, you finished the book you've been reading FINALLY, someone told you "Hey, I like your shirt", or you just really woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. So my challenge, to anyone who stumbles on this blog, is to keep a list of these little things that make your day. I don't care if it's a journal or a sticky note or a saved text message/note on your phone/ipod. Just do it. What's at stake if you do or don't?

So here's my #1:

I brewed the perfect cup of coffee this morning. Perfect ratio of water to coffee beans. Perfect addition of sugar and creamer. Just simply delightful. All in a 12 0z mug :) Now, of course, the cosmos won't let that happen again for at least another week so I'm really celebrating today :)